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Pagination & Load More Features

Pagination is still the most popular way to load new items on a website. 

Pagination Feature of Photo Gallery Plugin lets you split your WordPress galleries into multiple pages, thus speed up your load time, optimize your website and make your images easier to view for users.

It’s an irreplaceable option for massive galleries which consist of dozens of photos, so you can set a limit of images per page, allowing your visitors to focus on every image.

Create your first Pagination gallery right now! Enable this feature and customize Pagination with simple, but various settings.



Load More Feature allow you to display a gallery in the most intuitive way while still providing the full volume of images some visitors may require. The Load More option let you to display just a few photos at first. Then the rest of the photos can load in batches, just click the button for more.

The benefit is in the page load speed, therefore visitors can still see all pictures if they like.

Load more is perfect for galleries that are often updated, because the new images are loads first and it appears on top.

So, add a “Load More” button to your gallery and display additional images by click. Also, you can customize the design  and make it your own!

Just click the button to fetch more photos.