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Order Review
Secure Checkout
Success Confirmation

Customer Info

Please enter your email address and a password.

If you're a returning customer, this will link this new plugin to your existing account.

If you're a new customer, this will establish your Supsystic Account and link this plugin to it.

Linking plugins to your account will ensure you get free version upgrades.

* Password must contain at least 8 characters!


Pricing Table

Please select the number of sites you wish to licence - a multi-site purchase provides substantial savings.

Please select your preferred licence term.

Promotional Coupons can be applied at the Secure Checkout.

TOTAL: $ 49
Proceed to Secure Checkout

Enter your Promotional Coupon code:

Your coupon(s) has been applied:

Please select your preferred payment method:

TOTAL: $ 49
Return to Order Review

Success Order Confirmation

Your payment is being processed.

Once this is complete our servers will activate your Supsystic Account using the username and password you provided.

Sometimes, this can take up to 15 minutes.

With your account activated, you will receive an email providing complete instructions for logging in and downloading your plugin.

Of course, if you have any difficulties, please reach out to our Support Team using the Contact Form at