Actually Colorful pricing tables for WordPress by Supsystic was made to simplify everybody’s life. ‘Cause usually customers buy product with the most simple pricing cells.
Just copy-paste short-code from back-end settings of your pricing table. [supsystic-price-table id=10]
(id = use any table id here).
$ Price

20 Splendide philosophia et
Cum at probo / minimum
Falli libris has id facer
Pertinax vel eum ne molestie
Taleni noluisse signiferum
Column 1
$ 29
1 month

20 Splendide philosophia et
Cum at probo / minimum
Falli libris has id facer
Pertinax vel eum ne molestie
Taleni noluisse signiferum
Column 2
$ 49
2 month

30 Splendi philosophia et
Cum at pro / minimum
Falli libris has id facer
Pertinax vel eum ne molestie
Taleni noluisse signiferum
Column 3
$ 99
3 month

40 Splendide philosophia et
Cum at probo / minimum
Falli libris has id facer
Pertinax vel eum ne molestie
Taleni noluisse signiferum
If your pricing page is easy to understand and doesn’t feature any unnecessary stuff, it’s likely to improve your conversions. What is more, the pricing should be easy to compare. Alongside with providing users with the cost of one specific item, offer them a couple of alternatives. Once they see the most appropriate offer, they won’t hesitate adding it to the cart.
Provide users with several currency options. This is particularly important if you’re targeting the international market. It goes without saying that most of the US citizens would prefer paying in $, whereas Europeans choose €. Depriving people of the opportunity to choose the currency you would lose both income and clients. It’s possible with WordPress pricing table plugin.
Make price table interactive. Have you ever met a person who hasn’t played Google’s Doodles at least once in his/her life? You may add some playfulness to your pricing page and make it more engaging. People like to press buttons to see what would happen next. Provide them with such a possibility. Let them entertain while shopping from you.
You have just created a small store and need to sell lots of goods? Want your customers being well and easy using of your site? Just create your own Pricing list. It’s easy to make, to clean price table, to customize and change it without the help of professional programmers. Make it by yourself in several clicks. We have all the info that you need on the main page of WordPress Price Table Plugin.
Every owner want his store or shop being amazing, with great brand and strong, beautiful style. And as somebody famous said “style is in small details”. Clean price table on your old WordPress page. Now we have a great solution for your problem! Let’s make it without any webdesigners, specialists in programming or somebody from IT sphere. Our page Price Tables Examples will help you. Just choose the design you like and install it with the help of shortcode. You can change the color, size of any detail and so on. Just choose the general style and make everything as you want. This page also has links on FAQs and forums if you have some other questions and need an additional info.
Be sure, you wouldn’t need to clean price table by Supsystic. It’s really useful and working – there is no big design details, no long texts and details, which usually annoy your customers. The formula of success is simple – simple design and less texts – more purchases!