The fact is the Tables for Pricing your products great can be produced successfully with Sypsystic plugin for WordPress.
To sell good, remember that in some cases you are a client too. Looking for comfort? Here it is! Take short-code [supsystic-price-table id=10]
(id = use any table id here) on your site and enjoy with Comfort Price Table by Supsystic.

Nec exerci nostrud mnesarchu
id. Sit epicuri albucius posidoniu
ei, in eam quaeque feugait.

Nec exerci nostrud mnesarchu
id. Sit epicuri albucius posidoniu
ei, in eam quaeque feugait.

Nec exerci nostrud mnesarchu
id. Sit epicuri albucius posidoniu
ei, in eam quaeque feugait.

Nec exerci nostrud mnesarchu
id. Sit epicuri albucius posidoniu
ei, in eam quaeque feugait.