Membership Content Restrictions

Membership Content Restrictions

Membership by Supsystic takes care of your security, therefore allows to choose different content restrictions for each user role.

As admin of membership site in the Main settings -> Security tab you will be able –

  • Select who can see information on your website – everyone or only logged-in users
  • Enable redirection from backend login page to Membership Login page
  • Specify IP addresses for blocking

Membership Security Tab

Also as site administrator you can control registration process there by restricting access to the site for undesirable users. On Profile tab you can choose Registration Confirmation

  • Auto – after registration will be automatically created and activated the membership account for user.
  • Email confirmation – after registration user will receive the confirmation message on his/her email address. To activate the account, he/she will need to click the link inside the confirmation letter to confirm the email address.
  • Administrator confirmation – in this case after the new user registration – administrator will receive Pending Review Email. In this letter administrator can check the information about new user and make the decision – approve or reject the account. To make decision – go to Users page in WordPress menu -> find the user profile -> click Edit -> choose the Status for account – Active or Rejected. Besides here you can select another statuses – Deleted, Disabled, Pending Review. After the administrator will choose the status – user will receive the email about the admin decision.

With our Membership solution each of the membership users will be able to limit access to their profile or group.

Security of User Profile – go to Settings tab of profile -> Privacy section. Here you can specify the limitations on different actions with your profile page for different users –

  • Who can view about information on my profile.
  • Who can view my friends.
  • Who can view my follows.
  • Who can view my followers.
  • Who can view my groups.
  • Who can post to my activity.
  • Who can view my posts.
  • Who can view comments on my post.
  • Who can comment on my posts.

For all these settings are provided such variants for select –

  • All users
  • Friends
  • Friends of friends
  • Only me

By default, user profile is fully available for all users.

privacy tab of membership profile settings

Privacy Settings of Group – go to Settings tab of group -> Privacy section.

  • Choose Community type – open, closed or private.
  • Set the access for Activity viewing – all users can view group activity or only group members.
  • Set the access for Activity post writing – all users can write posts, group members or only administrators.
  • Set the access for Activity commenting – all users can comment, group members or only administrators.
  • Set the access for Invitations – all group members can send invitations or only group administrators.

Privacy Settings of Membership Group

By default, group page is open and accessible for all users.

Membership Content Restrictions

Membership Content Restrictions

Membership Content Restrictions

Membership Content Restrictions

Membership Content Restrictions