Arrakis Price Table

A new design of price table for your business, to grow it up twice in several days! Just attract your customers by Arrakis Price table. This theme was designed specially for e-commerce small sites and to gives maximum info for your guests. Statistics says that you have only several seconds to make your customer stay on your site and click any advertisement!

Choose the way you like and price table will help you with this. Arrakis Price table is a solution with minimum design and maximum information. It’s an effective way to sell your products or services. WordPress Price Table plugin – a tool tested time!



$ Price

1 month

20 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 1

$ 9

1 month

20 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 2

$ 13

2 month

30 Splendi philosophia et

Cum at pro / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 3

$ 26

3 month

40 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 4

$ 42

4 month

50 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Pricing Table Plugin


The plugin by Supsystic for creating pricing tables – Price Table – can help you to create any kind of table with the list you like: comparing showinf=g or any other. Choose the design you like and the shape you need – at least you can change literally everything in it. Make the design of your site customer friendly and unique, stylish and develop your own brand. Read more about our plugin on this page – Price Table for your WordPress site.

WordPress pricing table plugins are really useful these days because the number of business sites is increasing on WordPress platform and if you sell any product or provide any service through your WordPress site then pricing table plugins becomes really handy. But this tendency also provoces lots of same plugins of very poor quality. But we habe one of the best solution for you – Price Tableby Supsystic helps you to make price tables of your dream.

You can control column width and color to match your current themes and website color as well as another great feature to add background image for pricing table area and you could add your own background image via image file link. You can change even the type of letters, arrows – anything you want.

Pricing tables are also extremely important for any business site because if you sell any product or service through your website, you can display your packages using the pricing table. In addition, the bonus is the you show all of them at one moment and by the way, you can even create different packages for a single product with different features and access restrictions. Also another option is that you can make an ultimate number of pricing tables and just inserting them with the help of shortcode into your WordPress page. The site has only benefits after you just change the design a little – add our new Price Table plugin!