Mini Price Table

On the one hand it’s tiny and nice on the other hand it is workable, marketing and necessary. It is Mini Price Table. Fully responsive, it can satisfy you more than others, because of it’s size.

This cooky can be put anywhere, and it’s will be always fitting to any pocket gadget in order to be shown on it’s screen.


$ Price


Number User

Number GB Storage



$ 0.95


2 User

1 GB Storage

24/7 Support

14-Day Free Trial


$ 6.95


5 User

2 GB Storage

24/7 Support

Save $1.65


$ 14.95


10 User

5 GB Storage

24/7 Support

Save $4.65


$ 23.95


20 User

10 GB Storage

24/7 Support

Save $9.65

Pricing Table Plugin