Superiority of Membership Plugin
Privileges like a secret poison captured hearts of young people and make old leaders shake like after biting rejuvenated peach. Nowadays preponderance is a must have tip for every documentation and description of the product. The time has come to acquaint you with pluses and main possibilities of Membership by Supsystic. Speaking about advantages and disadvantages it needs to distress essential ones:
- Custom Registration and User Fields (Free)
- Social Login (Pro feature is Maintenance Mode / Coming Soon)
- Managing User Roles (Free)
- Gathering emails with Membership Susbcriptions (Pro feature is Maintenance Mode / Coming Soon)
- Simple Usage of complicated tool
Membership plugin by Supsystic can be used for creating large communities and social sites, can be integrated with payment systems or can be used to collect Subscriptions and to sell paid content. But at the same time it’s easy to tune, that allows to be used for solving simple everyday tasks. We’ll begin from simple to challenging. Let’s look at the Supsystic plugin applicable abilities to explore Membership like:
- Custom Registration
- Login and Social Login
- Membership Roles
- Subscriptions
Custom Registration
Need to let users register on your site? Surely, you can create the registration page with basic resources of WordPress. Actually you may need to have at least some Login Page customization, ability of editing and adding new fields/ checkboxes/ radio buttons – which complicates the process in multiple times. While registering, new user often fills in the required fields with his/her dearest private data … what do you want to know about new member? What is necessary to be aware about new recruit? All of these User Fields you can set in Registration Fields Tab: enable or disable, asked on registration or not, required or not and even the type – text, mail, dropdown list, checkbox and many others. For example, you can set the city of living, address, interests and users will be able to choose a person near them and ask for an offline date. So choose next fields’ types to set them for registration:
- Text field
- Radiobutton
- DropDown lists
- Checkboxes
- Password
- Media
- Numeric
- Date
- Scroll list
- Google reCaptcha
On the Registration Fields tab you can add not only different fields, but divide required registration fields on different theme blocks accordingly to the logic. For example: Main Info, Work and Education, Contact Information. Or you can set the city of living, address, interests and users will be able to choose a person near them and ask for an offline date. Being in the process of creating, you can select which section the field will be shown at. Additional options:
- Enabled – to turn on the field
- Required – necessity of filling the field. If field is not required, user can skip it.
- Registration – whether the field has to be shown on the Registration page or not. If the field is not displayed on the registration page, user can fill it in later in personal profile.
Don’t forget about the ability to explore Google reCaptcha option, that will prevent you from Fake and Bot registration. Our Supsystic plugin lets you choose a kind of Registration Confirmation:
- Auto – after registration will be automatically created and activated the membership account for user.
- Email confirmation – after registration user will receive the confirmation message on his/her email address. To activate the account, he/she will need to click the link inside the confirmation letter to confirm the email address.
- Administrator confirmation – in this case after the new user registration – administrator will receive Pending Review Email. In this letter administrator can check the information about new user and make the decision – approve or reject the account. To make decision – go to Users page in WordPress menu -> find the user profile -> click Edit -> choose the Status for account – Active or Rejected. Besides here you can select another statuses – Deleted, Disabled, Pending Review. After the administrator will choose the status – user will receive the email about the admin decision.
Also, everybody who has registered, can be given a specific role and redirected to any page of the site or to the fresh baked profile. User’s profile is the default page for Redirect after Registration option. It can be adjusted on the Main Settings Tab in Redirect after Registration. There are two variants for redirect to: User profile or URL. But you can choose an action after which user will be redirected, here they are:
- Redirect after registration
- Redirect after login
- Redirect after logout
- Redirect after account is deleted
Redirect from backend login screen to membership login page exists as well. You can set it on the Main Settings Tab in Security section. Action allows to choose yes or no. In the case you agree, users, who want to login to your website WordPress admin area, will be redirected to Membership Login page instead of usual WordPress login form. After user has registered, he is redirected to his profile page. Check the demo pages – Registration and Login.
Social Login
Our period of social technologies has missed something… Exactly! The user’s ability to sign in your community or social network with already existing Facebook or Twitter account. With this Pro Add-On you can provide your future members the chance to register by binding with existing social account. By the way, your member will be able to bound already existing Supsystic Membership account with account of any other social network through personal cabinet. It is also possible to provide your membership users a choice – to login with credentials or via social network accounts.
Membership Roles
What kind of member do you want every new user to be? What measure of the access would the user be vested? Member or Administrator? Editor/ Author? You can set any of the default role for every new user or change his/her role after registration accordingly to your wishes. By default there are three Membership roles –
- Membership Administrator, linked wordpress role – Administrator.
- Membership User, linked wordpress role – Subscriber.
- Membership Guest, any not logged in user.
Actually the access to the WordPress admin area, other users profiles and activities can be established too. For every role you can determine the access to specific pages and actions. For instance, you can provide the ability of creating groups and forbid to see the whole system Activity for separate roles.
Accept your dedicated spy or grow the grey cardinal with access settings.
Best thoughts come afterwards? Having done your own network and don’t know who to send newsletters? Come on, enable gathering emails for Subscription Lists with Membership Subscriptions PRO Addon. We are providing you the ability to subscribe your every new Membership user to any subscription list of the MailChimp and Constant Contact engines. Thus new Subscribers will fill your subscribtion list as ocean water. The more people to mail the more benefit you’ll get. By the way, every Membership user can unsubscribe from existing subscription list or subscribe to new one in his Membership profile. Create subscription lists, maintain relationships, be in touch with clients and sell the product all the time via mailing systems by enabling this wonderful Pro feature!
After registration or signing in again and again user can edit personal information, write and read private messages in the Profile. Looking through friends and followers Activity, watching out the groups he/she is following are available too. Nevertheless we’ll talk about it next time. In the meantime, you can check Membership Demo Site. Wish more and you’ll get more with Membership plugin. What sources for customization registration pages do you use? Does it require separate different plugins? What plugins do you use for this?