Change fields’ background color and labels font

Sometimes, when you choose one of the beautiful Contact Form templates and create a paintful background, Contact Form fields color doesn’t suit to background picture. You can use HTML/CSS code Tab to change fields background color, for this follow the next instruction:

  1. Create or open needed Contact Form
  2. Adjust it’s settings, appearance and Save changes
  3. Move to HTML/CSS code Tab
  4. At the end of CSS code editor paste this code

    #[SHELL_ID] input:not([type="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"]),

    #[SHELL_ID] textarea,

    #[SHELL_ID] .cfsListSelect,

    #[SHELL_ID] .cfsCheck,

    #[SHELL_ID] reset button {

    background-color: #0FE2DC;



    • #0FE2DC – is a Hex code for fields background color
    • #[SHELL_ID] .cfsListSelect, – is a field type
  5. And Save changes

In the case you want to tune Contact form fonts accordintly to your site standards, you can change font for field Labels by using this one instruction:

  1. Create or open needed Contact Form
  2. Adjust it’s settings, appearance and Save changes
  3. Move to HTML/CSS code Tab
  4. At the end of CSS code editor paste this code —

    #[SHELL_ID] label {

    font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;


    where 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif – font family for your labels

  5. And Save changes
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