How to use field name attribute in Submit Options section?

As you know you can easily edit the message that will be sent to you or your users with the help of Contact Form plugin by Supsystic. Just open Submit Options tab in the settings of your contact form and fill the Message field.

Submit option in Contact Form plugin
However, many of you don’t want to have this message static. The data in this message should vary in the name of your customer or the info that he filled in the fields of a contact form. So how can you do it?

If you want to add variable information to your message, just use the following items:

  • [sitename] – name of your site
  • [siteurl] – URL address of your site
  • [user_FIELD_NAME] – any user field, entered by user, where FIELD_NAME – is name of required field
  • [user_email] – and there will be user email field data
  • [user_first_name] – and there will be inserted user First Name – if such field exists in your form fields list
  • [form_data] – only for Message field, it will contain full generated input form data.

For example, you want to send an email to the user who filled your contact form. Just use [user_email] item in TO field. But don’t forget to enter there your email as well, otherwise you won’t receive an email from your contact form with info filled in by user. In fact you can add to TO field several emails separated by comma.

User email in contact form plugin
Or if you’d like to be able to reply directly to the sender (after you get an email with his information), it is also possible. Just add [user_email] to Reply To field.

Reply to option in Contact Form
Or maybe you want to have the same subject in your message as a user wrote while filling your table. Then you need to use the [user_FIELD_NAME] item. Just open the Fields tab in the settings of your Contact Form by Supsystic and click on Subject field. You’ll see the settings of this field.

Field settings in WordPress Contact form
Copy the name of the field and paste it in the item [user_FIELD_NAME] instead of FIELD_NAME. Afterwords you can add it into Subject field on Submit Options tab. So it will look like that:

Subject in Contact form plugin for WordPress
You can add any variable from fields that your contact form has into the message on Submit Options tab, just using [user_FIELD_NAME]. But remember that FIELD_NAME should be exactly the same like on your Fields tab settings.

And don’t forget to save the contact form after you made some changes.

Check more about Contact Form plugin in general and how it can be useful for your site

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