Oct 09, 2017

IT Sales with Live Chat


Many e-commerce WordPress sites rank highly in search engines and get lots of traffic but achieve low conversion rates when it comes to selling online, even if they have lots of plugins for this. There are many potential reasons for this, from pricing and product to navigation and security, but we think that the main is that your guests have low information level. With Live Chat plugin for WordPress sites they can ask you any question and get the immediate reply. You could have two websites with the same products at exactly the same price but they would get different amounts of business because of this tool, which is very easy in use and trust. Of course, that Live Chat plugin is maximum responsive and designed with the modern concepts. What will I get with Live Chat?

    • Reduce the number of abandoned carts

Abandoned carts pose one of the most serious problems in IT sales. Many clients leave websites without completing their orders. It is advisable that you set your dialogue system to provide a consulting service to your customers in an automated mode before they even think about leaving you website. Guide your clients through order placement procedures and offer additional goods to them. Thus you can reduce the number of abandoned orders by around 30%.

    • How to Boost Your IT Sales

Live Chat by Supsystic services allow you to consult your customers, help them choose goods, provide discounts or special purchase terms and explain delivery terms. Thus, you can boost your sales through simple and effective communication with your buyers.

    • Organize dynamic sales

Dynamic Sales The dialogue system enables you to organize dynamic sales online and provide consulting services similar to those provided at usual stores. For example, you can help your customers choose a cell phone if he/she has clicked “Buy Phone” or is currently viewing a respective page of the website. Live Chat by Supsystic offers a variety of involvement techniques based on the type of inquiry, type of page being viewed and duration of visit, as it is reflected by CRM data.

    • Make Your Ads More Effective

Making online consulting services available via landing pages can help you increase traffic by 35%. You can provide personalized consulting services to customers who visit your landing page. It’s much easier to build trust than have to rebuild it. It is important to get all the elements right from the off. However, some small businesses have had an online presence for over ten years and may not be getting it quite right. There’s no reason why you can’t do something about it now. You don’t even need to talk to your developer or programmer. Just install your Live Chat plugin and try to build this “bridge” between you and your customer: quick responses, nice design, and ease of user-interface make it the ideal variant for your business. Try to personalise your site as much as possible and feature real people. When there’s no face-to-face contact, it’s good to have a human element on any e-commerce website as it builds trust. WordPress plugin Live Chat by Supsystic makes this human feelling! You can check it at WordPress review page of the plugin.

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