Google Maps Changes & how does that affect your website

Jun 21, 2018

Google Maps Changes & how does that affect your website

Starting July 16, 2018, a new update will enter into force for Google Maps, Routes, and Places.

So, will be useful to get some information about it if you are using Google Maps service in some way on your website. Regardless of whether you are a developer or owner of a website, Google “simplified” mapping solutions and named it The Google Maps Platform”. Google Maps Platform Team presents their idea in such way:

“One pricing plan, free support, and a single console. We’ve heard that you want simple, easy to understand pricing that gives you access to all our core API. That’s one of the reasons we merged our Standard and Premium plans to form one “pay as you go” pricing plan for our core products. “


Here are the main points of new updating.

If you use Google Maps Service on your website or mobile apps:

  • You need to add your credit card to payment account on the Google Maps platform.
  • You’ll pay for extra usage only.
  • You have $200 free usage every month for Maps API.
  • For case if you disagree to make a billing account and add credit card, than if your usage will take more than free $200, your Maps API will be degraded or other API requests will return an error.
  • Google support 24/7 if you activate the account.


So, how does this update will affect the developer or owner of the website?

  1. Google increased the prices of Google Maps API, limited the free tiers, now requires billing for all.
  2. Only single “one pay-as-you go” pricing plan for everybody, no more Standard and Premium plans.
  3. After June 21, all customers, who use Google Map in projects, have to set the payment account and add a credit card and need to have a valid API key for all projects.

In the new price policy, users will get $200 for free usage, but how much extra money we have to pay using service? Customers, users and developers need to set a billing account to use Google Maps API and scared to have a massive bill.     Let’s sort it out. Most users use the free tier standard plan which propose 25000 map calls per day. Before update, then free requests are over, the price was $0.5 USD per 1000 additional requests, up to 100000 daily. With a new update, the price will change from 0.5 dollars per 1000 additional calls to more than 5 dollars. Sure you have to be careful and check your billing report in the Google Cloud Platform Console. Well, you can still use Google Maps for free. It’s quite lots to have 28000 free map requests per day for small or medium business. By the way, using a WordPress plugin like Google Maps Easy for your website or another plugins on the Google Maps base, you need not worry about the applications you’ve already developed or are currently using. No coding changes are required and your applications will continue to work as they currently do.  

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