Add Pricing Table to the Site Сontent Easily



You can find short code of pricing table above it’s Main Settings.

Shortcode Placement

Copy shortcode and paste it to your site content, then Pricing Table plugin will display the table you created on appropriate post/page using settings you tuned in this table.


WPCom_Markdown class is not exists

You can also specify position of pricing table on page by adding position parameter into shortcode.

Column 1

$ 9

1 month

20 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 2

$ 13

2 month

30 Splendi philosophia et

Cum at pro / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 3

$ 26

3 month

40 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Column 4

$ 42

4 month

50 Splendide philosophia et

Cum at probo / minimum

Falli libris has id facer

Pertinax vel eum ne molestie

Taleni noluisse signiferum

Pricing Table Plugin

This parameter can have three values:

  • left
  • right
  • center


Php Code


Choose PHP code in the dropdown menu and copy it.

Pricing Table PHP

In general php code can be inserted at any place of the page code – to display exactly in this place, for example in the header or footer of the page. Besides it can be inserted in the code of template of the theme – to display on all pages.

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