Problem wih select color

We are aware of this issue.
The plugin now uses the wp_kses() function to protect against XSS attacks on your site.
This function is required and required by the WordPress team.
Unfortunately this function does not support RGBA format.
At the same time, the picker supports RGBA and HEX.
Why isn’t the color applied even if HEX is used?
The reason is in the colorpicker. We are looking for a bug why the color is not applied even for the HEX format.
At the moment, a temporary solution for applying color is:
1. Open your browser console (Ctrl + Shift + C)
2. Go to Tab “Elements”
3. Press the highlight button as in the screenshot
4. Highlight the desired element whose color you want to change.
5. Add the desired color for
6. Save the table

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