Change Table Font Size

This instruction will show you how to change the font size in your table.

Please note that it does not discuss how to change font size in WordPress or how to change font size in html.  It is purely within the Data Table Plugin environment.

To make your changes, follow these instructions:

    1. Open the table that you need to change.
    2. Go to the CSS tab of your Data Table plugin.


  1. On the CSS editor paste this shortcode:
    #supsystic-table-1 {
    font-size: 20px;

    • instead of 1 – insert your table ID number;
    • instead of 20px – insert the font size that you want.
WPCom_Markdown class is not exists

You can also set other font settings here.  For example, you can set the font-family.

Here is an example of the normal Table –

WordPress Tables Plugin

and Data Table with added code –

#supsystic-table-1 {
font-size: 22px;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

WordPress Tables Plugin

You can change the font size in all your rows (except the header) by adding this code:

#supsystic-table-1 tbody td {
font-size: 10px;

where 1 – is the ID of your table and 10px is the size of your font.

In addition, you can change the size of data table rows (except for the header row).

All you need to do is enter this code in the CSS tab:

#supsystic-table-1 tbody td {
line-height: 12px;

where 1 – is the ID of your table and 12px – is the width of the rows (in pixels).

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