How to freeze header, footer or any column in the table?

Using of Data Tables plugin becomes even more convenient with the new Freeze option. If your table has too many rows or columns – turn on Freeze option. It will keep an area of a table visible while you scroll to another area. Working with such table is just as a piece of cake.

Data Tables Generator plugin allows to freeze header, footer or specific number of columns (on the right or left side). Check the examples of these options:

Fixed Header

WordPress Tables Plugin

Fixed Footer

WordPress Tables Plugin

Fixed Columns – the first two columns are frozen here.

WordPress Tables Plugin

In order to create such a handy table you need to:

  1. On the left navigation menu click “Add New Table”.
  2. Enter the name for gallery and choose the number of columns and rows. (Don’t worry, you can change it later).
  3. Go to Editor tab and fill the table with the required content.
  4. Go to Settings tab and turn on any of these options: “Fixed Header”, “Fixed Footer”, “Fixed Columns”.
    • If you enable “Fixed Header” and/or “Fixed Footer”, then “Header” and “Footer” options must be enabled as well. They will be checked automatically, please don’t turn them off.
    • Also you need to set “Fixed Table Height” in px. This value must be less than the original table height to create a vertical scroll, otherwise you will not see that the fixed header / footer exists.
    • If you enable “Fixed Columns”, you can also set the number of left and right columns that should be locked in place.
  5. Save the settings.
  6. Copy the shortcode of this table and insert it to any page or post.
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