
With new PRO feature of Backup plugin you can easely migrate your website!

The migration of the site to a new domain is divided into two main stages: migration files and migration database. On the old site should be installed PRO version of the plugin and on the new site rather free version of the plugin.


Files can be migrated in several ways:

  • Manually (via FTP) – download files from the old server and load them to a new server;
  • upload the file to a cloud service (Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, Amazon), and then download them at a new site;
  • Just upload the files via FTP, FTPS, SFTP or SCP  to the new server.


In all these cases you need to create backup files on the old server, and selecting the following check boxes (tab Backup, section What to backup) “Plugins folder”, “Themes folder”, “Uploads folder”, “Any folder inside wp-content” – It is very IMPORTANT to select only the specified items, and not any other.

Manual migration of files:

  1. Create a backup of the files on the local server (section “Where to backup” – “Local Backup”), with options (section “What to backup”) “Plugins folder”, “Themes folder”, “Uploads folder”, “Any folder inside wp-content “.
  2. After successfully creating the backup, connect via FTP to your server, navigate to the folder where you store the backup files (default “\ wp-content \ upsupsystic \”) and download to your local computer folder with the last created backups, for example “backup_2015_09_06-11_22_04_id1 “,  the last backup file is a folder whose id is the highest among the other folders in the directory.
  3. Now connect via FTP to the new server, and upload to the folder where backups are stored (by default “\ wp-content \ upsupsystic \”). Upload your downloaded folder from the old server, for example”backup_2015_09_06-11_22_04_id1″
  4. Finish.


Migration using cloud services (DropBox, Google Drive, One Drive, Amazon):

  1. Create a backup file (with options (section “What to backup”) “Plugins folder”, “Themes folder”, “Uploads folder”, “Any folder inside wp-content”) on any cloud service (DropBox, Google Drive, One Drive, Amazon).
  2. After successfully creating of the backup files, go to the browser to a site chosen in paragraph 1 of the cloud service, there locate the folder with the name of our application “Backup by Supsystic” and open it. There you’ll see a folder whose name is the same as the URL of your old site, such as “old-site.com”, and rename it to the name that is identical to the URL of your new site, for example “new-site.com”.
  3. Finish.


Transferring files to the new server via (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP) with the help of plugin.

  1. In section “Where to backup” set up a connection to a remote server via (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP), and select a valid “Path on server” – the path where the new server backup files are stored. And press the “Store Params”.
  2. If successful, saving the settings for connecting to a remote server – to create a backup file (with options (section “What to backup”) “Plugins folder”, “Themes folder”, “Uploads folder”, “Any folder inside wp-content”).
  3. Finish.


If you migrate files to a new server with one of the above methods – you can begin to migrate the database.


Database can be migrate only in one way, to do this go to the tab “Migration”. In the field “Find” should be the address of the old site, for example such as “//old-site.com”, and in a field “Replace” – the address of the new site, for example “//new-site.com”, then click on the button “Get migration DB”, wait a bit and begin downloading the database dump for the new site. After downloading the dump database – upload it manually via FTP to a new server in the folder where the backup files will be stored. Remember dump database ID. For example ID of the file “backup_2015_09_06-11_57_38_id3.sql”  will be equal “3”.


That’s all, migration is ready, now remains to start the migration to the new site. If you transfer files via cloud services (DropBox, Google Drive, One Drive, Amazon), first you need to log in on the cloud service, which made a backup of the old site (button “Authenticate” of the service block “Where to backup”). Then go to the tab “Restore”, if you have not created a backup on the new site, you’ll see only two backup file type “Filesystem” and “Database”. First, you need to start restoring the backup of the file system, if the backup has been uploaded to the cloud service – recovery may take a long period of time, depending on the size of the content  website. After the successful recovery of files (you can checked by clicking on the tab plugins  in admin panel.  There should be a list of deactivated plugins, such as that on the old server) – run recovery database – after a successful recovery – WP will ask you to login to the admin panel, your access will be those as data entry on the old site.



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