What kind of fields does Form have?

Contact Form plugin by Supsystic was created as one of the most simple, but functional at the same time. The developers team made a great job and tried to predict all the requirements our users could have. The functionality also contains different types of fields, which are accessible in free and of course, pro versions. Let’s have a small guide, which fields can you make in your Contact Form and which data can yu gather from your users. We are definitely sure that Contact Form plugin by Susystic is rather universal for any type f WordPress sites. From grids and portfolios to e-commerce online stores.

There are several fields in the Contact Form plugin –

  1. Text/Textarea – any text you want to get from your customer, maybe the long reply, some comments etc
  2. Email – your user email adress to contact
  3. Select Box – a list in your Form, here you can choose some points (select them from several)
  4. Radiobutton/Radiobuttons List – make a field option with radiobutton type of selection
  5. Checkbox/Checkbox List – make a field option with checkbox type of selection
  6. Subscribe Checkbox – an option for creation the subscribers – Pro option
  7. Country List/Multiple – make it to choose your customers their origin
  8. Number – a number multiple list
  9. Date/Month/Week/time – a box with date/month/week/time
  10. Color – color choosing for your boxing
  11. Range – allows user to set up value by moving position of a tag
  12. URL – add some URLS, links to the site etc
  13. Rating – prermits to rate, dive mark to your Contact Form – Pro option
  14. File Upload – allows to upload and attach files – Pro option
  15. reCaptcha – helps to avoid spam. How to configure field with reCaptcha you can read here
  16. Hidden Field – your form will send you some hidden from user data, for example, user IP, user country code, user country name etc
  17. Submit Button – the most important button in your form – submit
  18. Reset Button – allows to clean all the fields by one clicking
  19. HTML/Text Delimeter – for users, who has basic knowledge
  20. Google Map – add a map ceated with Google Maps Easy plugin
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