The hard thing in saling of nowadays is to sale online. It is a the same time the most widespread but the most difficult task. Just because saling online doesn’t need your client, it should be universal. And when we are creating our plugins for ecommerce solutions we are thinking about it too. Pricing Table plugin seems like the ideal variant for creating on your site the price list which would be colorful, bright, modern but very understandable and simple at the same time. It will be well for your adult audience, for your non-developer users and even for children. You want to be sure that everybody knows what are you saling and what is the price ? Choose the Pricing table plugin by Supsystic! It’s also hard to make woo moment for your customers – they have seen lots among others. So if to look on the situation from psychological view – what can help? Comparison tables are one of the most useful and really influential ways to make your customer purchase on your site. Show the benefits of your products in a favorable position in relation to other similar products. The average customer finds it hard to judge prices according to their absolute value. So what did the Supsystic team in this sphere, to make your customer happy and boost your sales? We have done our Pricing table. The easiest way to edit your table allows you to be in touch with your customers and quickly make changes according to your nowadays situation. So let’s see what our drag-and-drop builder and in simple words editing system can offer to business owner: Three types of our editors open before you the big sphere and transparent field for making changes, customizing and creativing.
- Columns editor – for large-scale and great changes in entire columns.
This mode is activated only if you move the cursor to the column of the table in a mode of editing. Making badges and deleting of them, fulling by some color parts of the column or even changing the place for it. As you see this is a general settings mode for the big table changes. Intuitive interface, pop-ups and tips will help even the most inexperienced user to bring his table to an ideal type.
- Cells editing – more detailed and “spot” editor.
Black pop-up menu in appearance and functionality resembles the standard editors Microsoft Office program. You can add rows before and after your cell, edit the location and place of the content, move the very cell, remove it if it doesn’t suit your requirements. We have tried not to overload plug by redundant functions, but take into account all those the most popular and useful to users, when they are editing the table. All was done for your table to be most effective.
- Content editors. In this mode, you can, first of all, choose by what exactly fill a cell:
- text –
- pictures or video –
- icon –
- or turn it into a button –
Fill it by the color, change fonts, their size, position, images, add links and write anything on the future buttons. Complete carte blanche in the actions and complete freedom in the choice of how it will look like your part of the table. This is a rich field for imagination and action, isn’t it?
If you are using Pricing Table by Supsystic a potential customer will definitely have a chance to weight the pros and cons of each your product against his own personal needs, possibilities in financial sphere and even determine whether your offer is a nice bargain for continuing the process of purchasing. We are sure that Pricing table has all the functions you need for the. We offer a simple method – install, change and perform. There is no way back actually if you are here. Enjoy the examples of Pricing Templates and check more features of Pricing Table plugin.