How to convince potential customers to buy

Sep 06, 2018
convince potential

How to convince to buy

How to convince potential customers to buy

Today, you can buy on the Internet almost everything: from products and dress to services and cars. It is easy, time-saving, and you can order a product from every corner of the world. Therefore, getting attention to your site is a hard task. But the more important is to make easy for the leads that are already generated to make a buying decision. Entrepreneurs accomplish this through the providing Decision Support Tools on the website. It includes FAQ’s section, video materials, market-oriented content and more. Let’s explore a vast majority of them step-by-step.


In 1996 Bill Gates wrote the phrase, which then becomes like a mantra for the decade: “Content is a king”. Today the time is changed, and only a good content isn’t enough to attract users. Nevertheless, when it comes to a decision making up-to-date blog posting or white paper will be in handy. Quality content could show your expertise and knowledge in a particular field.

Live Chat

Now, live chat became a leading digital content leader. According to an eMarketer research paper, it related to 38% of all purchases. Moreover, 62% of customers, that used a live chat during the buying process, said, that they are more likely to make a purchase again. This simple tool, that exists more than decades, provides consumers with the live human interaction, therefore has such a big influence. Forrester found, that, on average, there is a 10% increase in order value after engaging in live chat. You can easily integrate a live chat plugin by Supsystic to your site. Some of the features:

  • Unlimited agents and chats
  • Preset templates
  • Analytics
  • Chat history
  • Email notifications

Include recommendations

According to plenty of researches, testimonials from the friends or opinion influencers have the most impact on customers. So, we strongly recommend you to add a page or a section, where people can write their impressions about experience with your products.

Pricing table

The way you displaying the prices can influence on the conversion rates. There is no magic, only the psychology knowledge. Usually, people viewed in an “f” shape, so, place the most important product’s features and price on the top of your table. Also, we advise you to highlight the product or plan, which you want to be sold the most, and, use an expensive first plan order. Humans percept more than 90% of all information visually. Hence, the color is really matters, when you want to invoke emotions in your potential buyers. With the Supsystic WordPress Pricing Table plugin, you can adjust all these parameters fast and easily.


For customers the most important questions, when they visit your site are:

  • Is there a product that I want to buy?
  • If yes, what is the price?
  • And, finally, could I trust them?

Keep it in mind, when you will develop a navigation. It should be simple and intuitively understandable.

Additional tools

Here, we refer to different tools and widgets, that could simplify a purchasing process. It could be a calculator, responsive design, mobile app, or other creative features, that will assist a user.

So, here you have 6 useful tips on how to influence the customer’s decision. But, remember, that the most important – it is the quality of your products. Without it, all marketing is not long-term.

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