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How to quickly and easy translate your WordPress site?

Nov 15, 2018
How to quickly and easy translate

translate plugin

How to quickly and easily translate your WordPress site?

The Internet is a worldwide community. Like nature, it is diversity. Users can access your site from any place in the world. But will they use your services? It depends on many factors, one of them – it is the user experience. Today, customers are more demanding and selective in their choices, because of a lot of alternatives exist. They want the information will be understandable and available. Therefore, running an international business without a multilingual website is getting harder and harder. Fortunately, with the Supsystic Translate plugin, you do not have to hire an expensive counterintelligence, just some clicks and all work will be done. So, let’s figure out all the main points about website translating.

man In which languages should the website be translated?

It is a very good question. First of all, you need to identify your current visitors, where they are located geographically. How? It is easy, use any analytical tool, like Google Analytics. It maps all your website visitors according to their residence. Then, based on this analyses, select languages to target covering not only current users but also future visitors’ languages.

man How multilingual site influences my business growth?

It unlocks several doors. The first is, as we mentioned above, it improves your user experience. It gets easier to support the relevant acquisition strategy. Another thing – is the ability to expand your business by entering new markets. In fact, only a quarter of Internet users live in America means there’s a huge international market waiting to be tapped into. And the last one but not least, multilingual websites improve your rank in search engines. Despite the fact, that a lot of different promotion forms have appeared the organic traffic is still the most valued traffic source. So, do not lose a chance to improve it. divider

attention block Attention!

A multilingual website can improve UX, rank in search engines, and allows you to expand a business by entering new markets.


man How can I translate my website quickly and cheap?

You have three ways:

  • Expensive but quick way: hire the professional translators
  • Cheap but a long way: try to translate all pages with Google translator independently
  • Cheap and quick way: use a WordPress plugin

We advise you to use the third way. The natural question here is: how to choose a WordPress translation plugin? You’ll want to look for a plugin with:

  • Supporting a wide variety of languages
  • A good documentation
  • A simple translation process
  • An opportunity to edit text after translation.


attention block Attention!

The best way to translate the site is to use a WordPress plugin.


man Ok. Which plugin can I use?

Try the Supsystic translation plugin. It has all the features explained above. Here we provide you with a small instruction on how to create multilingual content, but you can always read the whole documentation on the site. Step 1: go to the Plugins page in your admin panel. Press Add new, and search for “Translate by Supsystic”. Install and activate it. Step 2: choose the default language and available languages for translating. step 2 Step 3: then choose if you want to define your site URL with selected language in the browser or not; what the plugin should do if there is no available translation; hide or not language in URL address, and to translate automatically the site according to the user’s native language. step 3Step 4: press on the Save button.step 4 That’s all! You have a multilingual site and can penetrate new markets! Download Free WordPress Plugins by Supsystic

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