Legend Toggling

The legend helps users better understand a chart by identifying what each series (data set) represents. Data Tables Generator provides a new option for charts and graphs – .

So, basic chart legend setup includes creating the object, specifying the legend positioning and toggling.

In order to add this function to your diagram you need:

  1. Select the required data in the table and click on the button “Add diagram” to create a diagram.
  2. In “Diagram” popup window choose the type of diagram, customize it and click the “Create” button. Toggling option is compatible with all types of diagrams except Bubble:
  • Area Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Column Chart
  • 3d Charts – Bar, Donut, Pie, Pyramid

Move to the Settings tab and make settings for a table legend:

Legend Position – choose a position:  Toggling

  • No legend
  • Above the chart
  • Below the chart
  • Left of the chart
  • Right of the chart

Legend Toggling – you can set what happens when the user clicks a legend item/marker:

  • Remove: repaints the chart without the selected series
  • Disabled: disables legend toggling.
  • Hide: Hides the selected node

Legend Toggling

Here are the Examples of Legend toggling:

  1. Hide: 
  2. Remove
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