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Figures Settings

After you create and customize your map, you can add figures to it. This option is very useful if you want to highlight the certain area on the map. To create a figure go to Figures Tab and click “New” button.


Google Maps by Supsystic offers you such opportunities of figures configuration:

  • Figure Name – the title of your figure.
  • Figure Type – “Polyline”, “Polygon” and “Circle” types are available. With Polyline type you can create a series of straight segments on the map, whereas with Polygon type you can choose the certain area enclosed by a closed path (or loop), which is defined by a series of coordinates.
    With Circle type you can create round figure with different size and opacity to mark the area you need.
  • Line color, Line opacity and Line weight. For polygon and circle types there are also fill color and fill opacity.

Google Maps Figures Tab

  • Figure’s points list – you can search the point by address (just start typing in Address field), type the Latitude and Longitude of point in appropriate fields or activate Add by Click button, and then draw figure on the map by clicking on it.
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Figure Tab Options

Also in Google Maps Easy you can:

  • Create multiple figures for one map
  • Edit figures that you had created before
  • Remove the figure from the map
  • Change the order of figures simply dragging it manually
Google Maps Wordpress

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Every change of figure you can immediately see in a live preview in the right top corner.

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