Mantra Theme

Recommended slideshow size:

  • Width: 1100
  • Height: 350


  1. Go to Appearance -> Editor. Select Theme Functions (functions.php) on the right
  2. Find (very last line in file):
  3. ?>
  4. Add Above:
  5. function supsystic_output_header_slideshow() {
        echo do_shortcode(""); // replace 1 with your slideshow ID
    add_action('cryout_forbottom_hook', 'supsystic_output_header_slideshow');
  6. Save the changes.

If all this info is not enough for you – no problem, don’t worry! You can find more about our plugin and its themes – Slider Plugin by Supsystic can be appropriate for all your requirements. Check out also the video tutorial of installation – we hope you will have no questions after this!

Important! If you still have some additional questions, want read some more articles or come to our forums – check out Slider Documentation page. There you also can find a theme integration instruction and other useful links. Don’t forget to look through our FAQ page. Maybe we already have an answer to your question! Links to other similar themes you can find also on this page.

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