Add Pages from PDF file

If you have a pdf-file and want to make a publication from it, you can do it using WordPress Flipbooks Plugin by Supsystic PRO:

  1. Select a pdf-file from your computer.
  2. Choose a file type for images. PDF-file can be converted into the following image formats:
    • jpg,
    • png,
    • bmp.

    Wordpress Flipbooks Choose images file format

  3. Choose which pages to convert. Here you can convert all pages of pdf or only some of them. For example, you have a pdf-file of 100 pages, but want to create publication only of 10 pages – from 10 to 20. Ok, it’s real, just select number of pages in Convert Pages from… to… cell. Wordpress Flipbookg Choose pages of pdf-file to convert
  4. Click Start conversion button.

Here are the page with your pages. Here you can Sort by title, delete one or Clear all images, rename and move images. And if you will see a standard message: “Your publication width and height are not correctly corresponded to converted images width and height proportions. You can change set your publication size by clicking on the button bellow. Recommended Publication Width: 1002”. Just click Set recommended publication width and width be will automatically set.

Width PDF Pages

  • When you don’t need to clear all pages, but want to delete one – place your mouse over the image and above it trash bin symbol will appear. Just click it
  • Rename your image. It’s really easy too. Just place your mouse in Name cell – delete old name and write a new one
  • After you choose the names for your images, you can sort them by name – from A to Z or conversely (from 1 to more and conversely). Click Sort by Title button for this

And when you finish all preparations with your pages – it’s time to Create Pages.

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