To subscribe via iContact mail service in our popup plugin you need to enter your Application ID, API Username and API Password. To find these credentials, follow next steps –
- At first you need to generate Application ID, follow this link –
- After this copy the Application ID and put it into the required tab in popup subscribe settings.
- Enter the API Username – it is your iContact username.
- Enter The API Password – password which you created for Application ID.
After this you will be able to choose the list for subscribe.

- You can create only those fields, which are specified in iContact Sign-up Form settings. Here is the list of these fields –
- The Name (key) of your field is parameter for system – to be able to determine the field. Use here only Latin letters, numbers, symbols -_+ and space. Just below read more detailed rules of setting this value for iContact.

- First Name – ‘first’
- Last Name – ‘last’
- Prefix – ‘prefix’
- Suffix- ‘sSufix’
- Fax – ‘fax’
- Phone – ‘phone’
- Business – ‘busines’
- Address 1 – ‘street’
- Address 2 – ‘street2’
- City – ‘city’
- State – ‘state’
- Zip – ‘postal’
WordPress PopUp plugin brings a proven solution for effective iContact advertising to your site or network. Introduce mailing lists, exclusive offers and other advertisements to your clients, users or visitors with a polished pop-up ad.
Because the WordPress PopUp interface provides a simple, flexible design template in a familiar work space, you can spend more time creating and less time building. Plus, with this fully-responsive WordPress Popup plugin by Supsystic, your pop-ups will look fantastic on every device.