Let’s user find your business in the easy way!

Apr 06, 2016

find your business

Best WordPress SEO Plugins To Make Your Blog Search Engine Optimized WordPress is a versatile platform that you can use for almost anything. But to take full advantage of its potential, you must use some plugins. Are you looking for the best WordPress SEO plugins? If so, then this is the right article for you. Do you want to increase your average order value and turn visitors into customers?

If you run a business in the real world, success depends on customers being able to quickly find you. Customers won’t spend much time trying to find your location for themselves – it’s your responsibility – provide them with all required information on a map. WordPress Google Maps are very useful these days to showcase the correct location of the business or a place of interest. Although the Google Maps API comes equipped with embedding code, you will feel more comfortable using a specialized google map plugin. After all, Google Map plugin offers more features, customizations and settings. Using our WordPress Google Maps Easy plugin by Supsystic will allow you to add locations, markers, directions, routes, etc. Your map will be interactive and more useful to the users. In this article we will show you the best and the most helpful options of Google Maps Easy plugin. 1 – Markers Marking of the different locations on the map can be done easily with marker option. The plugin provides a huge collection of colorful icons for interaction and allows to upload custom icons for marker option. Add titles, description and much more details on your travel or business details on the map with the help of markers.

2 – Figures Figures option of WordPress Google Maps plugin offers simple ways for you to add different paths or highlight a particular geographical area with important location. It is a great solution to tell your users in which area is available the delivery – just draw the delivery zone! Read more detail about this option here.
Google Maps Wordpress
3 – Custom Map Controls Custom Map Controls option helps your clients to filter all available markers on your map and choose the most appropriate place for them. Also it allows users to find the needed place with search feature.
Google Maps Wordpress
4 – Get Direction With “Get Direction” option of Google Maps Easy – you can add button into the marker description to get direction from the entered address to the marker. Besides users can check the direction from the marker to their current location! For example, this option allow your customers to find the way to your store, restaurant etc. Check an example of Google Map with “Get Direction” button.
Google Maps Wordpress
5 – Center map on user location With WordPress Google Maps Easy you will be able to use Geolocation for your map! “Center on current user location” option refers to the identification of the geographic location of a user or computing device via a variety of data collection mechanisms. Check the example of the feature in this article! 6 – Slider Markers List Supsystic Google Maps plugin offers you display all markers – as list below or on the right side of the map. This feature will help your clients get more information about the markers and find required marker more faster. It will be useful for users having websites like hotel listings, real estate listings, restaurant listings, job listings, store listings & more… to list their locations on google map and easily move through it using a slider carousel list of markers. With Google Maps Easy, your locations will be listed on both map (as markers) and a slider carousel (as locations details). Get more examples of google maps with Slider Markers List! Google Maps Easy is WordPress plugin to create as many maps as you want, with interactive and colored markers and figures that include pictures, descriptions, directions and links! Check more detail about all advantages of WordPress Google Maps Easy plugin.

find your business

Best WordPress SEO Plugins To Make Your Blog Search Engine Optimized WordPress is a versatile platform that you can use for almost anything. But to take full advantage of its potential, you must use some plugins. Are you looking for the best WordPress SEO plugins? If so, then this is the right article for you. Do you want to increase your average order value and turn visitors into customers?

find your business

Best WordPress SEO Plugins To Make Your Blog Search Engine Optimized WordPress is a versatile platform that you can use for almost anything. But to take full advantage of its potential, you must use some plugins. Are you looking for the best WordPress SEO plugins? If so, then this is the right article for you. Do you want to increase your average order value and turn visitors into customers?

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