Unusual blogging tricks for 2018

Oct 30, 2018
unusual blogging tricks

unusual blogging tricks

Unusual blogging tricks for 2018

Suppose, you have a blog – it doesn’t’ matter for what purpose, business or personal. You want your blog will be interactive, unusual and with a lot of feedback. The reality is that today it is a field with a lot of competitors. In our past blog post, we discussed content and tips on how to make it stand out. But blogging is much more than only content. According to ALLEE survey, the main challenges for the content marketers are producing enough content and producing content, that engages. Challenges for the content marketers Engaging content is the secret key to the big audience, but how to achieve it? So, you have some ways:

  • Go to the witch who will cast a spell
  • Regularly invest a lot of money to promote your blog
  • Use our simple tips

Which way do you choose? 3 ways If you continue to read, you choose the third road. And you were right! Supsystic team prepares some interesting tricks which will help you to boost the interest to your site.

Plan your content in advance

Planning your posts in advance will help you to keep the content consistent and well-organized. You have the time to think out about the topics and prepare a really good material. Remember, that poor content is much worse that do not have a content at all.


To plan the topic and understand, what is really important now, we use the query services like Answerthepublic. When you type a keyword, this service divided all results to different parts. Answerthepublic


BuzzSumo helps to understand, which topic is the most popular now and has the potential to go viral. It shows the number of shares in a given period of time. Also, users can identify who the major influencers are. BuzzSumo helps not only in SEO but also in PR campaigns.

Google Trends

Google Trends shows the list of hot searches and charts of the day. You can group it by regions and compare with other searches for free. Unfortunately, Google trends does not show the keyword search number. But it can give impressive results if you use it with Google Keyword Planner.

Consumer Barometer

Another interesting tool from Google is a Consumer Barometer. It helps to understand for what purposes people use the Internet across the world, and how they access to it. Consumer Barometer provides you with a number of charts and unique surveys.

Write captivating titles

There is no secret that people scan across the site. According to that rule, if something catches their eye just in seconds, they will click. So, the title becomes the bread and butter of great content. The big amount of studies show how a good headline can increase traffic to your site. Koechly at Upworthy has a test where traffic varies up to 500% depending upon your title. Different blog title generators will help you to quickly come up with blog ideas and titles:

  • Impact blog title generator
  • SEOPressor
  • Linkbait title generator
  • Emotional marketing value headline analyzer, etc.

Provide with quality images

Photos and visualization play an important role in making a good and engaging blog. It helps more understand the topic and fill the gaps. In many cases, bloggers ignore the fact that images are an important component to make their blog interesting and engaging. Therefore, they do not add enough photos or add with a bad quality. Here is the list of image services, which you can use for free:

  • Pixabay
  • Death to stock
  • Unsplash
  • Freepik
  • Canva (great tool for infographic making)

Add some interactivity

Users like to press different buttons and play with content. So, you can easily organize your images in an interesting way with the Supsystic Flipbook plugin. For instance, if you are a photographer, cooker or just run an online store, organize all examples of your work in a portfolio or catalog. You can find all the information about how to set up and use this plugin on this page.

Create more engagement in social nets

Here we will not talk about how important is the presence in social networks. We only draw the typical situation: suppose, you prepare a good quality and unique content. You spend a week to write this and one more week to find all the information. You post it in your blog, share on Facebook, and… nothing to happened. Only 2 or 3 likes. If you have a similar situation, there is because you do not correctly manage your social nets. We provide you with the list of services, which will help you to plan and track the activity in your social nets:

  • Buffer (social media management tool)
  • Click to tweet (tool for Twitter)
  • Hootsuite (social media management tool)
  • Tweetdeck (tool for Twitter)
  • SocialBee (social media management tool)

Add Social Share buttons

It is important to provide tools for easily sharing your content. For this purpose, Supsyctic has a great plugin – Social Share buttons. We have a lot of customizable design templates and integrations options. Social Share buttons


So, we share with you only the major tricks to boost your user’s engagement and reach. If you have some examples from your own experience, please, feel free to share with us.

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