Mark Last Edited Cell

Mark Last Edited Cell option comes in handy if you use an Editable fields in table. Feature adds a symbol ? to the last edited cell. Works both for Editable fields  and Drop Down Bar editing.

In order to Mark Last Edited Cell, you need:

  1. Create the Table with Editable fields: Open Editor tab in the table parameters.
  2. Add data to the Data table.
  3. Add Dropdown Bar for selected cell to change cell value on front-end. Click Add options to create a new variant for the list. Fill it in and click Apply. AND/OR
  4. Add Editable fields, choose a cell, row or column you want to make editable for users and click on Add editable field button.
  5. Move to the Settings -> Feature tab -> Frontend Fields tab and check the Mark Last Edited Cell option:mark last edited cell Here you can see the symbol appears after changes: 
  6. Also, you can Save table data entered through frontend fields in the same tab.
  7. Press Save and Add table to the post or page using shortcode. 


Example of Table with front-end editable fields and Mark Last Edited Cell option.

WordPress Tables Plugin


Moreover, Front-end Editing Feature provides you some additional options you can find useful:

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