Manage your Membership Site

Jan 24, 2017
Manage your Membership Site

Manage your Membership Site

To satisfy users needs in social sites communities gained new signs and applications. Thus Membership by Supsystic can find it’s applications in diverse spheres of everyday life for:

  • Schools
  • Sport sections
  • Courses
  • Clubs
  • Fun associations

and many others on every flavor – don’t let your mind kill your heart’s and soul’s imagination! As a musician tunes the flute, you can tune the Membership for every purpose you want! Just look at the main opportunities of Membership plugin that meet requirements for any user. All of these things are possible due to next features. Free features :)

Friends and Followers

Make new friends, attract followers attention to your profile or follow other membership users. This is possible to do with Friends and Followers options. You can activate both or one of these options at the same time. Followers – users, who get updates and news of your membership profile, but cannot like or comment your posts and publish new posts in your Activity. The information and updates related to people you Followed will appear on your Activity page. Membership Followers If you turn on the Followers button on the Main Settings tab on the back end, you will have such abilities –

  • Display follows/followers in Personal Profile
  • Add follow/unfollow button to user profiles
  • Display followers/following stats on their profile
  • Add follow/unfollow button to profile cards on Members page
  • Show follower/following stats on profile cards on Members page
  • Add Followers tab which shows a list of follows and followers to Membership Profiles
  • Restrict who can see your Followers tab
  • Adjust followers feature for different membership roles
  • Receive notifications about new followers

Friends – users, with whom you want to have closer relationships. You can skim your friends actions in Activity. Private Settings will allow you to permit browsing your profile divisions or send private messages for your friends only. By the way, you may add your friends to the groups. Membership Friends When you enable Friends option, your Membership site will include such oportunities –

  • Adding friends to your Profile
  • Displaying friends in Personal Profile under the Cover Photo
  • Adding posts about with who you become friends in your and main Activity Feeds
  • “Send friendship request” button in profile cards on Members directory
  • “Send friendship request” button in every user’s profiles
  • Friends tab in Profile which shows a list of user’s friends and friend requests.
  • Restriction of profile access only for friends or friends and friends of friends only
  • Sending notification about friendship request
  • Sending notification about acceptance or declination of friendship request
  • Restriction to use Friends option only for special memebersip roles



Create groups and communicate with your like-minded! Publish different content – text, photos, video; comment, like and share posts of the Group! Make groups with closed and opened content. Invite unlimited number of members, new friends and followers there. Invite other users to be an administrator of the group. Allow your membership users to create groups too. Besides you can create private groups with joining into the group only by invitations. Membership Groups Every membership user have the ability to report about the group or group post with unacceptable content. Also admin of Membership plugin can restrict access for different actions of Groups feature for membership user roles:

  • Block groups
  • Create groups
  • Join groups
  • Read groups

Membership Group Page Enjoy different Examples of Groups on Membership Demo site and learn about all abilities of Groups feature.


To raise people’s involvement and let users cooperate inside the community that can be created by Membership plugin. Enable Activity feed for your profile and monitor Overall Activity of Membership site. It will help your members to make friends, write posts and share with interesting information in the Activity feed of each other and even look through posts of friends and followers. Membership Profile Activity tab Activity feature of Membership plugin allows you –

  • Display public and friends posts feed on the Overall Activity page
  • Look through Public Activity
  • Publish posts in Friends Activities
  • Create posts with different content, like text, video, images, tags and links
  • Comment, like, share the posts
  • Edit and delete own posts
  • Report about unacceptable content of posts
  • Monitor and manage reported posts, it’s creators and reporters for Membership administrator
  • Restrict access to public and personal Activity for specific user roles
  • Set privacy settings of personal Activity Feed in profile account
  • Show notifications about new registered users on site, new frienship and followers

Monitor Overall Activity of membership users from our Demo site! More information about Membership Activity you check in this article.


What can be more wonderful than starting a private chat? And Supsystic Membership has this feature! Don’t hesitate to tell secrets to you close friends or notificate followers about your new debut. Don’t forget, that the cyberspace is ruled by Admins, who can forbid to use internal messages for a special user role. Read more about Messages option here. Membership Messages Integrate your account with other beneficial services like bbPress, WooCommerce, different social networks. And that’s not all! Find more in future posts about Membership Plugin! Be entirely honest with yourself, everybody wants to invent a new type of the communities and possess with the own community. Don’t be late to organize unique one with Membership! Our support and developers always know how to surprise you.

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