Disable Friends, Following and Followers

By default after Membership plugin is activated, you and your future members will see Friends, Follows and Followers with counters at the Personal Profiles and at Membership Directory. Also it’s possible to Add new Friend or just Follow new people. Right after you click Add Friend, you will automatically follow the person too. If somebody will send you a Friend Request and you Agree, you will see that you Follow for this person, this person is your Friend and he/she is Following you.

Add Friend Follow Membership User

But some time it is needed to disable all or only one of this functions. In order to do it, move to Main Settings Tab of the plugin and disable Friends and/or Followers.

For example, if you turn off Followers

Followers are Turned Off

In the case you want to disable only displaying Friends and Followers at the Members Directory, read the instruction:

  • Move to Desing Tab
  • Select Members Directory Settings
  • Scroll to User Card Section
  • Untick Show Friends and Followers radiobutton

And at the Members Directory it will look like this:

No Counters at Members Direcrory

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