Getting Started

Hello, friends!

We offer you a new plugin that is perfect to create your own community on the site! Look through fantastic possibilities you can use in various sections of the site. Don’t forget to register in order to feel the highest level of the Supsystic team performance of interactive friends network! If you haven’t found the features you were looking for or maybe you still have some questions – contact us and we will be happy to answer you! Members Directory Can’t imagine your life without friends? We too! Accept and be accepted.


Installation is the same as for any other WordPress plugin.

  1. From the dashboard go to Plugins > Add new.
  2. In the field “Search plugins…” type Membership by Supsystic.
  3. Click the “Install” button.
  4. After the plugin was installed click “Activate” button.
  5. After the activation you will need to assign basic pages of the plugin.

Plugins pages

To assign pages go to the section Main > Pages. On this page there will be list of plugin’s pages and in front of each page – dropdown menu with all available pages of the site. Button “Create page” adds new page. Also there is a “Create all unassigned page” button after clicking on which all unassigned pages will be created automatically. After creation and assigning pages you need to click “Save pages” button.

After this shortcodes which are required for plugin work will be added to the selected page.

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Additional shortcodes

Also you can insert additional shortcodes to any page.

Shortcode for general activity feed


It will display all news of the current user. Or all general news if the user is not logged on he site.

User activity shortcode

[supsystic-membership-profile-activity id="1"]

Displays activity feed only for the specified user.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know using contact form on the site.

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