Membership and Facebook Apps Integration

To integrate Membership plugin with Facebook you need to create your Facebook App at first. In order to do that follow these simple steps:

    • Login to your Facebook account and follow this link
    • Click on “Create a New App” button

Create a New App for Membership

    • Enter the name for this App, your email, select a category and click “Create App Id”.
    • Pass the security check.
    • On the new opened page click “Facebook login”.

Facebook Login

    • Select “Yes” for Web OAuth Login and insert the url of your website. Don’t forget to save the settings.

Client OAuth Settings in Facebook

    • Then go to Dashboard on the left navigation menu.

Dashboard in Facebook App

    • There you’ll find your App ID and App Secret. Copy them and paste into the settings of of Membership plugin.

App ID and App Secret in Facebook
Please note, that App Secret will be hidden by pats. And if you copy it it won’t work. You need to click “Show” button, enter your Password and then copy App Secret when it will be displayed as numbers.

App Secret in Facebook

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