Membership Levels

Customize membership levels if you plan to create restricted area or content on your website. You can set up limits and permissions for users of different levels and set up conditions for membership level upgrade.

Once you decide to use this feature your low level users or users without level assigned will be motivated to get upgraded membership status in order to have more access and options within your website.

Membership Levels tab of E-Commerce addon allows you to:

  • Create paid levels for content of your Membership site
  • Check and edit details of existed ones
  • Sort levels
  • Search by name or ID
  • Delete levels

Membership levels

To create a new level you need to click “Add new”. Now you can edit next fields:

  • Name your Membership level
  • Description – here you have opportunity to describe membership level using html editor
  • Registration button name – for example “Register”
  • Purchase button name – “Buy” will be written by default

Creating Membership Level

Besides you can Back to the list of Membership levels without saving changes.

At the Billing section –

  • Price – set the value for current level
  • Recurring Subscription – check if the subscription is required and customize —
    • Billing Amount – price for recurring payments, for ex., 4 per 1 month
    • Billing cycle limit – the total number of recurring billing cycles for this level, including the trial period (if applicable) but not including the initial payment. Set to zero if membership is indefinite
    • Need renew text – provide a allocution words about membership level time expiring here. You can use media and links too
    • Extend Level button text – text for prolongation of Membership Level button. “Extend” will be here by default

E-commerce Billing

At Content Settings

  • Categories – select posts category for current level
  • Specific Posts – choose posts or pages for this Membership level

Content Settings
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