
With Reports Settings of Membership plugin you can keep an eye on content quality of your Community. On frontend of Membership site there is the ability to report about unacceptable content of posts (post of membership user or group) or unacceptable content of user profile or group.

Reports tab will allow you to check all these reports and block all unacceptable content on your site. Here you can –

  • Monitor all reports in table using Search option and sorting by – Date, Report type, Reporter, Reported and Report Status.
  • Membership Content Reports

  • Check the details of each report –
    1. Report date
    2. Links to Reporter and Reported users
    3. Content and link of Reported Activity
    4. Comment of report
  • Block the Reporter
  • Block the Reported
  • Send message to Reporter and Reported users
  • Block the content of report
  • Check the report as viewed

Membership Content Report Details

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