
On Users Tab of Membership plugin you will find all members of your community. Here you can manage current user profiles and add new users. Let’s check in more details.

Users tab allows you to perform such actions –

  1. Monitor all members and general information about them.
  2. Change user status or user role (in Bulk Actions dropdown list).
  3. Create new membership user.
  4. Use search option for searching specific user.
  5. Import new users form CSV file. Check below the requirements for this option.

Users Tab of Membership Plugin

Table with all membership users of your site contains such information about users –

  • Username
  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Date of Registration
  • Membership Role
  • Membership Status
  • Date of Last Seen

Import from CSV file will redirect you on the page where you will be able to choose file and import it. But don’t be in hurry to upload your list, at first read the instruction with all requirements of import procedure.

  1. You can import new users as well as data for custom fields. To do this, you need to specify the required fields in the first line of your csv file and for next lines data related to these fields.

    For example:




  2. Note! Every user must have at least user_login field specified.
  3. If the user_pass field is not specified then the password will be the same as the user_login field.

  4. If the user with the specified username or email already exists then inserting fields data will be ignored.
  5. On fields with type (Scroll List, Dropdown List, Radio Button, Checkbox) you can only use values from the available options so passed data to that field must match otherwise it will be ignored.
  6. Available import field names. You can add more on Registrations Fields tab.
    • User Name user_login
    • First Name first_name
    • Last Name last_name
    • E-mail user_email
    • Password user_pass
    • Test test
    • Date date
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