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Heatmap Layer

Common definition of a heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values are represented as colors.

In Google Maps Easy,  Heatmap Layer (Pro feature) can be used for mapping the locations of point objects. They are useful if you have too many points which need to place on the map, or many points which are too close to each other, making it difficult to distinction.

heat map

Since the radius of the Heatmap area is fixed regardless of zoom level, it’s useful for showing a lot of things that gradually separate as you zoom in. It’s in a way similar to clustering, but with a very different look that shows areas points are crowded in very well.

Heatmap use the points of layer to calculate and display the relative density of the points on the map as a smoothly varying set of colors, depend on low and high density.

When the Heatmap Layer is enabled, a colored overlay will appear on top of the map. By default, areas of higher intensity will be colored red, and areas of lower intensity will appear green, but you are able to select any color.

Check out an example to get more information how to create Google Map with Heatmap layer.


Heatmap is one of the most requested features, and an extremely common map visualization type, especially prevalent in weather, travel, fitness and social areas.

Heatmaps make it easy for viewers to understand the distribution and relative intensity of data points on a map. Rather than placing a marker at each location, Heatmaps use color to represent the distribution of the data.