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Front-end Editing Feature

Using Data Tables Generator with the excellent Front-end Editing Pro feature allows you to create a table which can have cells edited.

Front-end editing is designed to allow the editing of individual fields for users in a table. The most common use case is to simply click on the cell you want to edit, fill the data and complete. This will save the data and the row will be immediately updated.

editing sign

To make editing possible, you need to set and specify the cells and columns you want to allow users to edit. You just need to follow simple settings and enjoy the new advantage for website visitors.

Moreover, Front-end Editing Feature let you use such additional option:

The example shows all the advantages of Front-end Editing Feature:

WordPress Tables Plugin

If you are interested in a full implementation of Data Tables Generator features, check out all examples and documentation of plugin, which provides a flexible and easy creation and editing tables with all necessary functions.