Groups Settings

Groups settings tab in  Design page will help you to customize the appearance and settings of groups on the frontend of your Membership community.

    • Specify the Group Logo Size
    • Specify Logo Thumbnails Sizes – large, medium, small.
    • Set the Default Logo Image
      Membership Groups Tab
    • Choose the Default Cover Image
    • Specify the Group Cover Size
    • Specify Cover Thumbnail Sizes – medium and small.
    • Select Group Permalink Base – what data to use in the link of the user’s profile – group alias or group ID. E.g. “http://supsystic/groups/natural-world/” or “http://supsystic/groups/1/”.

Membership Gropus Cover

At Roles Page => Group invites section you can customize your permission of the invitation:

  • Select Who can invite to the group – All or Specific roles.
  • Select Who can be invited to the group – Everyone or Friends only.

Membership Gropus Permalink and Invites

In Groups Page you can :

  • Delete all or few created groups
  • Disable or Activate groups
  • Search  groups by name
  • Set, how many groups will be displayed in the tab

Groups settings

Also, we will be glad if you read our topic about customizing and managing your Groups.

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