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Map with Social Share Buttons

Let your users share the map through their accounts in social networks (Social Share Buttons plugin offers sharing over 15 social networks).
Enjoy example with opportunity to add Social Share Buttons below your map.

Great idea to mark the place you need and provide possibility to share them with other users.

Google Maps Wordpress

In order to create the Map with Social Share Buttons you need to:

  1. On the left navigation menu of Google Maps Easy plugin click “New Map”.
  2. Enter the name of the map.
  3. Add the number of markers you want.
  4. Customize other settings of map.
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  5. Under map live preview you can see the shortcode. Copy and paste the shortcode into your post or page and Google Maps Easy by Supsystic plugin will automatically create the map on your page using the settings you choose above.

Next what do you need – to set up Social Share Buttons plugin:

  1. Install and Activate Social Share Buttons plugin by Supsystic.
  2. Create new Project
  3. On the Main tab -> Where to show section enable Google map option of integration.
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  4. Select map at the available maps list.
  5. Save the project.

Now you are able to show your map with social share buttons.

Check out full article about Integration Google Maps plugin with Social Share Buttons plugin.